Social Justice | Faith & Spirituality | Being Human

This is a space where storytelling and photography seek to magnify the goodness, beauty, and truth breaking through the cracks in our lives to remind us:

We belong to each other.
We aren’t alone on this wild ride called being human.
Grief is a necessary part of the journey, and in equal measure, so is joy.
We have the courage to lament oppressive systems and our participation in them.
It’s okay to voice the hard, scary, mountain-sized questions.
Maybe, sometimes, Jesus isn’t so distant after all.

I seek to honestly acknowledge the pain of injustices and broken systems, and I am equally committed to relentlessly pursuing freedom, healing, and restoration through both the creative arts and social action. 


I am because you are.

There is a South African term – Ubuntu – that quite literally flipped my world upside down and turned me inside out in the summer of 2013. In English, it translates to: I am because you are. In the ongoing pursuit of social justice, a deep and messy faith, and a wholehearted life, I am driven by this one common thread. I am because you are. Our humanity is inextricably intertwined. If you are unwell, I am unwell. When you are thriving, I am thriving and celebrating right alongside you. Until those most harmed and cast aside by our society are free and thriving, none of us are truly living whole and free. Ubuntu is the steady theme you will find woven throughout my storytelling and photography.

I am because you are.